Monday, March 6, 2017

Brittany Daniel

Hi Brittany;

Is your project a podcast?  This is what I gather from your proposal, though you never state it directly.  For this proposal I was looking for very clear, concrete explanations of each project.  I was also looking for your voice.  As I read your proposal I see that you want to ask questions of your peers about how much responsibility they take for the election results, and how they regard news, even how much they understand news and information.  In lieu of that, what if you made strong statements yourself about all of the above?  That's the kind of thing I'm looking for in an activist piece -- hearing your voice.  You can certainly show a strong point of view (yours) in the way you frame your questions and interviews and such, but I wanted to get a sense of that in the proposal.

In your 5-minute pitch be prepared to say clearly what the project is and what your activist stance is.  Then offer some concrete information about exactly what your piece will include, how it will be organized, and what it is you have to say!


Hi Brittany;  You have lots of good information in your literature review, but the way you've written the review, I have little idea who most of the authors or sources are that you're drawing from as they are not cited well within the narrative.  You must include author last names and years in the literature review body.  You seem to have many more citations or references in the back reference list than you have in the body of the literature review.  They should be equal (each reference in the back should appear in proper form in the body).  There are also some writing issues that need work.  I'll scan and email you the review you gave me so you can see my edits.  


  1. 1. Educators' perceptions of youth mental health: Implications for training and the promotion of mental health services in schools.

    Citation : Moon, J.,, Williford, A.,, & Mendenhall, A., (2017). Educators' perceptions of youth mental health: Implications for training and the promotion of mental health services in schools. Children & Youth Services Review, 73, 384-391. doi:10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.01.006

    This article highlights mental health practices and services in the American school system. It also elaborates on specific training health providers need, while elaborating on lacking resources. The article also compares the obstacles of an inner city or urban educators’ experience with mental health students with that of an educator from the Midwest.


    Citation: MORET-TATAY, C., BENEYTO-ARROJO, M., LABORDE-BOIS, S., MARTÍNEZ-RUBIO, D., & SENENT-CAPUZ, N. (2016). Gender, coping, and mental health: A bayesian network model analysis. Social Behavior & Personality: An International Journal, 44(5), 827-836. Retrieved from

    The LGBTQ community has made great strides with social awareness with LGBT education in America. I think this article will allow the readers to understand how mental health is being handled in this social sector. This article articulates a practice called, Problem Focus Coping, the study uses a sample of university students between the ages of 18-32. I am very interested to understand how this method works and if it being utilized in other sectors of mental health.

    3. Clinical Mental Health Counseling: A 40-Year Retrospective.

    Citation: Field, T. A. 1., (2017). Clinical mental health counseling: A 40-year retrospective. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 39(1), 1-11. doi:10.17744/mehc.39.1.01

    This article examines the development of clinical mental health counseling and the mental health profession as a whole. It highlights the historical events and roles of the American Mental Health Counselors Association. For my final paper, having 40 years of historical data would be very useful.

    4. Outlook for Federal Mental Health Policy in the 115th Congress.

    Citation: Koppen, C., & O'Rourke, L. (2017). Outlook for federal mental health policy in the 115th congress. Psychiatric Times, 34(2), 1-3. Retrieved from

    This article focuses on the new government policy changes to the Affordable Care Act. Knowing the new and up-to-date laws and policies will be very beneficial to my project.

    5. Positive postpartum depression screening practices and subsequent mental health treatment for low-income women in Western countries: a systematic literature review.

    Citation: Hansotte, E., Payne, S. I., & Babich, S. M. (2017). Positive postpartum depression screening practices and subsequent mental health treatment for low-income women in western countries: A systematic literature review. Public Health Reviews (2107-6952), 38(1), 1-17. doi:10.1186/s40985-017-0050-y

    This article highlights postpartum depress in women and children in low-income communities. Often our society overlooks the long term damage and mental health issues affiliated with low-income communities. I would love to do more research and add this component to my project.

  2. I think I may be confused as to what all goes into a literature review. I looked up an outline but, I don't remember using that format. Also, I did not mean to add so many references to my paper, they were all the ones I pulled but did not add them to the actual paper it self. I will also work on revising the paper as well.

    Best Regards,



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