Monday, March 6, 2017

Anna Molly

Hi Molly;  My first question for you is:  What is the project?  I read that you are not interested in political activism (I think for you that means not about political candidates or political figures), but are perhaps interested in activism around animal rights or eco rights.  Okay, that's interesting.  But which one?  Both are incredibly broad in themselves.  What I was hoping in this proposal was that you'd give me a very specific, concrete project that was centered on a very specific, concrete issue.

Activism is definitely very broadly defined.  I think what you need to do is choose what issue, under either the animal rights or eco (environmental)? movements, is compelling to you, and what do you have to say about that issue.

What you also need to do is explain exactly what the project will look like.  Remember, you only have until the end of the semester.  You mention a 15-20 minute video report.  What do you mean by that?  what will it look like?  What will be included?  How is a video report different from a documentary?  Do you have time to shoot a video that long?

for the pitch session for next week you'll need to answer all of the specifics above in 5 minutes.  Think about narrowing way, way down to something that's do-able, that's specific, and that shows  your voice.

Good luck!


Hi Anna;  The information in your Lit. Review is well organized.  You'll need to work on writing issues for the final draft that you give me at the end of the semester to accompany your project.  I'll scan and email you the copy that I commented on.  I suggest you get help from someone to do a good edit on that paper.  Otherwise the sources and organization are good.


  1. New Media and Internet Activism: From the ‘Battle of Seattle’ to Blogging

    Authors of this article talk about abilities of internet to allow development of new forms of activism, or to how old forms can be reformed through it. Using internet people now have a place that connects them faster, allowing them to orgonize and form their interests better then before, therefore allows them to come together and helps them work towards their goal.

    Prime Time Activism: Media Strategies for Grassroots Organizing

    While this book is written for those who is trying to use media for their activists ideas and helps them to understand how to create effective media campaigns and fills the void between conventional "how-to" manuals and the sweeping. I want to use a chapters 1-3 Media effects on organizing. This chapter talks about how main stream media such as broadcasting and newspapers help activists to bring their message across. This should help me understand why does main stream media does not support animal right movement to an extent it should.

    The Movement and the Media: Framing the Debate Over Animal Experimentation

    This article is looking in to connections between the mass media and the animal rights movement in the United States in the past. After looking in to media practices and their role in movement activities, the article examines national newsmagazine and television coverage from 1984 to 1993 regarding the debate over animal experimentation. This article can help me to look in to the history of media coverage of Animal rights and see how it has change compearing to current media.

    Moral Emotions and Social Activism: The Case of Animal Rights

    This article actually is a psychological report on what type of people are inside of animal activism and what prompts them to react and get involved in to this type of activism. Understanding what can drive people to support such cause can be helpful in understanding how to form media messaging to involve more people in to saving animals.

    Social noise and segmented rhythms: News, entertainment, and celebrity in the crusade for animal rights

    Author of this article is arguing that involving celebrities to support cause like animal rights is one of the most progressive and successful ways of attracting a lot of attention to this cause. This article will definitely ad a piece to my report when I will be talking about success and losses of celebrity advisory and activism dedicated to animal rights.

  2. Hi Anna; This sound interesting, but I don't know what the sources are. Can you tell me more about the sources. Are they popular press? any scholarly work? it would probably be a good idea to have a mix for your project. These sound very interesting.

    1. Thank you professor. Those are all scholarly but I will definitely have a mix of both! I will edit this post with more information about this books tomorrow or Thursday. I was not sure about the format. Thank you. Anna

  3. Good day Professor. Updating this list.


    Herzog, H. A., & Golden, L. L. (2009). Moral emotions and social activism: The case of animal rights. Journal of Social Issues, 65(3), 485-498. doi:10.1111/j.1540-4560.2009.01610.x

    Kahn, R., & Kellner, D. (2004). New media and internet activism: From the ‘Battle of seattle’ to blogging. New Media & Society, 6(1), 87-95. doi:10.1177/1461444804039908

    Kahn, R., & Kellner, D. (2004). New media and internet activism: From the ‘Battle of seattle’ to blogging. New Media & Society, 6(1), 87-95. doi:10.1177/1461444804039908

    Ryan, C. (1991). prime time activism: Media strategies for grassroots organizing. boston, MA: South end.

    Simonson, P. (2001). Social noise and segmented rhythms: News, entertainment, and celebrity in the crusade for animal rights. The Communication Review, 4(3), 399-420. doi:10.1080/10714420109359476

  4. Kruse, C. R. (2001). The movement and the media: Framing the debate over animal experimentation. Political Communication, 18(1), 67-87. doi:10.1080/10584600150217668


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